Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happiest Day

Today is my happiest day for last few days!!!
Was sick for the last few days! and couldn't really concentrate on anything but to stare at the computer watching drama.

It started out with a wake up around 10+am! Slept quite late today as i received a mystery private call last night! I was hesitated to answer the call... But lucky i answer it!!! IT'S PRISCILLA!!!! Once i heard her voice! I'm so happy!! I burst out straight away as if I did not talk for few months! hehe
I'm really really really REALLY HAPPY that she called me!!!! MISS you SO MUCH!!!

WE talked and talked and talked!! Really hope she's here! then we can have girls' night out, chit chat through the night and sleep over at your house.

OKay okay! back to today.

I went to uni...Wanted to look for some information at the library and do some work at the com lab. Once i reached uni, SHIT!!!! I did not bring my purse! Which means i didn't bring my student id as well!!! ==" I was stunt at that moment.. Frozen like I don't know what to do...
Lucky!!!! I accidentally bum into a friend and so kind of him to borrow his id to me . So i manage to borrow my book!!!!!! WAO!! LUCKY me!!!!!
I head straight home after that.

Read 2 chapters of 'Breaking Dawn', woh!!! Volturi is heading to catch Cullen's family. Alice gone suddenly for no reasons! Some said she and Jasper left the family because she saw no chance of winning, some says she might have some other thinking which might save the Cullens and Bella.
Tanya's family gonna help the Cullens! YEAH!!!!!!

Download songs for my car.. The songs in my car are REALLY CLASSIC SoNGS!!! Didn't change since I got the car. I can't stand the old songs anymore!!! As Chinese old people say: If OLD ONE doesn't go, the new one won't come!" So I decided to throw the OLD one away and burn a new disc!

Was doing my work at the same time when i was downloading songs... Suddenly the Rain SO HEAVY!!!!! i never know Perth would rain so heavy till the water can come into my room!! I was shocked by the water splash! not the sound of the rain!!!

So lazy to go out and buy groceries lah.. Rather stay at home.. But i don't want to eat maggie ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! So I BBQ some Chicken wings!!! and fry some vege.. Healthy!!! Yogurt as dessert!! then green tea + lime + honey to remedy the heaty body.

Just love today!!!!!!

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