Wednesday, June 29, 2011


consequences of going out with pei........


hahaha kiddingg!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

This month:






超級lucky day:6日、12日、28日


本月份寶瓶座的運勢很一般,整個一個月你會不時地感到很煩、很累,這樣的感覺會持續出現,一直不斷的影響你。之前醞釀很久的事情,一旦真的要去執行,就會 變得既耗時又不順,狀況還會變得很多,因此這個月你要註意控制自己的情緒哦!本月如果有時間你會和友人或者家人出外旅遊度假。中旬開始,你的眼睛會盯在一 件事上,那件事若是沒有處理完,你甚至都沒有心思去顧及其它的事,但是那件事偏偏就很難搞定,得來回多費不少功夫!因此最好事先要做好各方面的準備和檢 查,不要無謂的浪費時間哦!這個月你和某位異性也會有鎮子見不到面,你們會各忙各的!

愛情方面:本月份的水瓶戀愛運平平,單身的水瓶們本月份找到對象的機會不高。已經有伴侶的水瓶們本月份可能會覺得跟自己的伴侶特別有話聊,從小事情聊到大 事情,甚至一件事情可以聊得非常細節。這個星象很適合跟伴侶做各式各樣的溝通,可以討論認真講嚴肅的事,也可以只是閑聊,都對於增進感情很有幫助。

工作方面:本月份的工作運平平,但不會是一成不變地平靜。一般的上班族受到日蝕的影響,工作內容或場合有變化的可能,如果的確遇到不錯的機會,本月份可以 考慮跳槽或轉職。受到水星入第七宮的影響,本月份很適合跟商業夥伴討論合約細節,也非常適合將這些已經討論好的合約細節詳盡地寫到合約裏去。
yum yum...
my housemate cook me some wantan.......

after the work... 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

new toy

how do i spend my day without a cent..??


pocket wifi!!!

normal price of $99 for a pocket wifi
but i used my normal price $39 to get it
plus increase limit from 6 to 12gb!!!!

why not?!

so im using now... 
without a single cent!

Monday, June 20, 2011

sneak peak

yeah yeah.. finally the day has reach! 
the ball.

really unexpectedly there so much things to play!
I won two toys swords!!!!!

Have a big ship in the middle..where the dance floor is..

alot of sea shells around.. where Dee can carry it high high!!
there're few ang mos gone crazy and put the shells on top of their heads! 
don't ask me how they do it.. that shell are HEAVY!!

somemore got CAPTAIN HOOK THERE!!
i wonder why there's no Peter Pan....
my favourite character.......... :(

Guess who did we bump into??

BERNICE!!! and so got yuan fen, she's serving our tables!!!
So happy when i sees her.. 

Wao.. the dinner finish at 10pm, after that it's when the ships open for dancing!!
we're like dancing for 2 hours non-stop (which break my metro records.. i would fall asleep in an hour)

it's lovely night!!!

PS: i would not reject going to ball again.... AND i would NOT set my hair again!!
will leave it as it is.. :)


Sunday, June 19, 2011

picking my dress

my turn this year....

which one nicer? red or purple (IT"S PURPLE! i don't know what happen to the camera, it seems blue thru eyes of camera.. weird.. But IT"S PURPLE!!!)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy cockcroach day!!!

"miaooo.... this saturday sek fan looo"
"sek fann??? lao na haaa...?"
"celebrate bufthdayyyy ahhhh"""
"na haaaa sang ngik oooo ? oi sit fan?? "


deng deng deng denggg!!
who's the eng daoooooooooo?

mr ka zat!!!!
 went to "Little Lamb" steamboat buffettt..............

maybe watched too much of taiwan drama
the  environment look so much alike in the fighting scene. =_=

got crabs, mussels, squids, what balls what balls

 wao waoo....

ma lat soup
clear soup
mushroom soup
green chili soup

The Sassy Cookie


a small decorated cookie house, selling home-made tarts, cookies & coffee.

Relaxing moments and laughters 
PassionFruit Cheesecake Tart( top left) ; Mixed berries tart (top right) ; chocolate pear tart( bottom left) ; jungle berries(bottom right)

Having sweets....

& coffee

 lovely place to be at....
for a relaxing afternoon......

Thursday, June 9, 2011

it's always about the money ,isn't it?

i rather you talk to me nicely than chase me as if it's 1 million dollars...
i may forget, but that doesn't mean i don't pay ..

as well as.... know your own situation and your consequences of your choices before you complain about others...

you just sound like the one chopping chicken  ....
i don't see any difference at all...

why is seems that this one getting better, then now you?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fuel price hiking

I can't believe that I have to spend $100 just to fill my cars...
The brown little car... Swallow $50 just to fill up half tank...
I thought u guys told me it's an economy car... -_-"

Guess what.. My neighbor came to me this evening asking.. "hi! U got a new car...! Are u going to sell your Subaru?"
I love my Subaru!

It's modified from a bad car to a good car!!
No way I'm selling my hubby!

I love my hubby!
That I spent thousands to fix it!

Rain rain... Love the rainy days ... As long keep the road high frictionity !