Tuesday, October 7, 2008


林峰- 爱不疚

紫.sè制作 QQ:253057646

收藏在眼眸 常徘徊左右 爱猜到没有
愉快玩笑後 能全然退後 你开心就够

这种感觉太亲厚 讲一千句也不够
假使讲了你听到後 或会走
这种恋爱太罕有 不须真正拥有
成全 衷心祝福然後 就放手

放手 放开所有 彼此更自由
放手 其实我绝非爱得不够
放手 豁出所有 还有这个好友
已经 已经足够

紫.sè制作 QQ:253057646

遥远是宇宙 静静在背後 去看守就够
这种感觉太亲厚 讲一千句也不够
即使一刹有过冲动 挽你手
这种恋爱太罕有 不须真正拥有
成全 多舍不得仍然 是放手

放手 放开所有 彼此更自由
放手 其实我绝非爱得不够
放手 豁出所有 还有这个好友
已经 已经足够

放手 我的牵挂 找不到尽头
放手 期望你幸福甚麽都有
也许 爱很深厚 然而我早看得透
放手 至可拥有

This song really is meaningful.. For those who understand chinese, would like this song. This song really can hits the feeling....( or maybe i watched the drama, thats why have a strong feeling about this song....)

This song always brings me the memories.. Which reminds me that you are his best friend...that why i always find you to have a chat with...


Lost contact of a friend... Regardless what bad things he had done.. He had done a lot for us.... I used to talk to him.. Remember that the first time I saw him, working in the kitchen.... He offered to send me home whenever I do not have transport to go home from work... He would call me :Xiao Niu..... everytime...

Sometimes we went to karaoke together.. sing all the songs together.... celebrate jean's birthday at jeff's house.. watch movie... eat supper... send edna to airport..... you even close to my friend from malaysia during the summer holiday... You taught me where to look for the agents and where to look for jobs.. You are that good..... Kinda unbelievable that you disappeared just like that! Kinda hard to believe...! I may or may not know why you disapppeared... But really do not know.. if we still have a chance to meet... Do wish you all the best.. Although hard to explain what you're doing right now.. But All the best!

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